The Blackwater Cabin Massacre [Debut]

2019-12-31 1

The Blackwater Cabin Massacre My Next Project to piss people off for 2020 hence this fake programmed metal theme I have been using since 2018. The Self-Titled Debut Track will be out in XXXI of XII, MMXIX. There may be some improvements and a different theme for the future Content within 2020. Current theme is Inspired by the Vintage Horror films along with the retro themed games called for e.g #powerdrillmassacre #babysitterbloodbath and #nunmassacre . The Logo is hand drawn by me and I rarely even draw logos on paper but whatever. Lets hope I don't abandon this one like what I did for the other 100 projects I made lol #djen #horror #theblackwatercabinmassacre #2020 #deathmetal #experimentalmetal #deathmetal #vhs #concept I also want to point out, The whole Blackwater Cabin Massacre thing doesn't exist irl, this is only a made up thing. Thank you.

Released on The 31st of December 2019
